Our Vision
Healthy, Strong, well-educated and informed communities.
Our mission
To fund and provide a broad range of health, education and social services based on Kaupapa Māori practices, in New Zealand and in particular for the people of Ahuriri and broader Ngāti Kahungunu boundaries, with a particular emphasis on meeting the specific needs of Māori.
- Professionalism
- Respect
- Cultural Diversity
- Integrity
Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri perceives professionalism as the courage to care about and act for the benefit of its whanau, peers and communities. Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri will therefore continue to deliver health and social services for the benefit of the public, conducting its business in ways that:
- promotes the integrity of the profession
- ensures access to services for all whānau
- avoids all forms of unlawful or unethical discrimination
- protects and improves the image of the organisation in the eyes of the public
- promotes respect for whānau
- supports the education of the public about the health system
- achieves whānau goals
- are consistent, transparent and accountable to whānau and the community
- will not delay, harass or drain the resources of any party
- are courteous and respectful to all whānau
- ensures the exploration of all legitimate methods and opportunities to achieve best outcomes for its whānau.
Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri:
- welcomes all peoples of the world;
- will not tolerate unwelcoming words, actions or behaviours such as harassment or discrimination of any kind;
- accords respect to all persons, regardless of political affiliation, including people of colour, women, men, or other Aboriginal peoples, members of ethno-racial groups, people with disabilities, gays, lesbians, bisexual, trans-gendered/transsexual peoples, and all persons whose first language is not English; and
- will, through diversity, continue to build solidarity.
cultural diversity
Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri recognises that service delivery to culturally diverse communities takes place in the context of migration, both historical and more recent. Migration places numerous barriers and stresses on individuals, whanau and communities requiring culturally appropriate service responses. In delivering services to whanau from a culturally diverse background, Te Kupenga Hauora-Ahuriri is challenged to acknowledge and respond to different cultural values and norms and will therefore
- continue to adopt flexible and responsive approaches in engaging with individuals, whanau and communities, based on respect for diversity and difference
- continue to support celebrations and events that recognise the significant contributions of culturally diverse communities
- ensure that individuals, whānau and communities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are engaged within the processes of the organisation’s work, and are supported to participate in and contribute to the Hawke’s Bay community
- recognise that individuals, whānau and indigenous communities have specific needs, requiring the development of additional strategies and actions
- value and respect the diversity of Hawke’s Bay
- acknowledge the contribution that people of diverse backgrounds make to the social, cultural, and economic life of Hawke’s Bay
- respect the individual and whānau
- commit to creating and perpetuating an environment in which diversity of whanau and thought is respected
- embrace the belief that differences should be celebrated
- seek to understand and accept the practices, beliefs, and customs of the greater global community; and
- aspire to create an organisation that fully appreciates the culture and the history of its surrounding region including but not limited to languages, waiata and crafts of Māori and all other ethnic communities.
Te Kupenga Hauora-Ahuriri:
- will act with honesty and adhere to the highest standards of moral and ethical values and principles through its personal and professional behaviour
- will demonstrate its understanding of these values and principles and uphold them in every action and decision
- understands that trust and trustworthiness go hand in hand with how its conduct, as it sustains a culture that is based upon ethical conduct
- expects its actions to be consistent with its words, and its words to be consistent with its intentions
- accepts its responsibilities, shares leadership in a democratic spirit and subjects itself to the highest standards of public trust.
- hold itself accountable for its words and its actions
- will champion freedom of expression
- will safeguard academic freedom, open inquiry and debate in the best interests of health, education, enrichment and the organisations professional development
- will embrace human and intellectual diversity and inclusiveness and
- will uphold the highest standards of fairness, act as a responsible organisation, respect equality and the rights of others and treat all whānau with dignity.