We provide support for whānau on a range of health issues including general health (blood pressure and associated measurements), health promotion, breast and cervical screening, diabetes, immunisation and stop smoking services as well as the two specific services below.
Own it, live it, be the leader of your life
Registered Nurses and support workers provide clinical services, health promotion and education at community venues (eg. in whānau homes, early childhood centres, kohanga reo, schools, marae).
This work may be supported by a Kaiāwhina (support worker). Their role is to support whānau or individuals with any social issues identified as obstacles to achieving improved health and well being.
Health education, promotion and assessments are available on topics/conditions such as heart disease, asthma, strokes, cancer, diabetes, unintentional injuries and nutrition.
Free checks include blood pressure checks and blood sugar level monitoring checks with support to Breast and Cervical Screening Services, Ear, Nose and Throat and Respiratory Clinics and Stop Smoking Services.
We are currently a registered Diabetes Conversations MAPS provider where in-depth, interactive education and support is provided for those identified with long term conditions.
For whānau whose tamariki are not accessing Tamariki Ora/Well Child services, we provide support, facilitation and whānau care.
Te Kupenga Hauora – Ahuriri assists with Positive Parenting, Maternity Support, Ante/post natal depression and Home Care/Safe Environments.
The service is mobile, however Te Kupenga Hauora – Ahuriri does have a clinic on site if that is preferred.
School Based Nursing
A Registered Nurse that provides clinical service and health promotion and education to children and their whānau at designated schools in Napier.
A Registered Nurse will provide professional support and health care to tamariki and rangatahi aged between five and twelve years old who attend a decile 1 kura in Napier. Our School Based Nursing Service aims to assist tamariki and rangatahi to gain access to health services and also to assist in reducing inequities.
Services that will be provided are but are not limited to:
- Clinics in schools with assessments and referrals to appropriate services e.g. Child Development Unit, Hearing and Vision
- Actively working with whānau to achieve the best outcomes for tamariki and rangatahi
- Health education and information for whānau
- Support the detection and treatment of problems relating to vision, hearing, behaviour and development which may enhance learning, performance and development
- Stop Smoking Services.
We also provide support to whānau and can connect them with other health and social services.