Stop Smoking Service: What does it look like?
When you decide that you are ready to try stop smoking or cut down significantly, your Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri Stop Smoking Practitioner will touch base with you weekly to conduct CO (carbon monoxide) testing and help you track your progress. They can also help you by providing access to a range of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) such as patches, gum and lozenges to make the transition to being a non-smoker, easier. The service is mobile, so they can come where you need them to.
Turn your habit into gold Health Services Manager Nancy Taane worked with a couple who literally turned their habit into gold. Part of supporting their smokefree journey, the Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri staff help you figure out what your quit goal is and what will motivate you. One whānau wanted to invest in gold and took the money they saved from not buying cigarettes and did just that!
- Quit with a friend.
- Use your cigarette money, to save for something you want.
- Avoid smoking environments.
- Get active to release the stress.
- Try NRT
- If you stumble, start again.
Ready to have a go at quitting? Call Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri on 06 835 1840 to arrange for someone to help you do it successfully.
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