Motivating! Rangatahi Wellness Programme
AIMED at motivating and connecting with young people, especially those not in employment or education, Te Kupenga Hauora – Ahuriri’s Rangatahi Wellness Programme is proving to be a success.
Held weekly on a Tuesday at the Greenmeadows East Community Hall these FREE two-hour sessions offer rangatahi an opportunity to get in a workout as well as learn a bit about nutrition and holistic wellness.
Lack of motivation for young people who are not working or going to school or course is a challenge the Youth Services team often see when out in the community. “We want to see them creating healthy habits. Especially around getting up and getting out there. We want to see them live better versions of themselves,” explains Youth Navigator Charles Rask.
He also points out that when newcomers attend the team are able to assess their work, education and health needs. Sometimes referring them to other services offered by Te Kupenga Hauora – Ahuriri. In the past month, they have seen some of the rangatahi engage with the Kia Ora Programme, helping them to learn skills and strategies to manage their health and live life to the full.
Each session is a mix of physical activities such as stretching, warm-ups, exercises or drills and then relaxation or stress relief exercises. A short education session on something health related is followed by one more activity to get the blood pumping before they all share a healthy meal together, that is also provided by the Youth Services team.
There are currently around 20 participants each week with room for more in 2020. Follow the Te Kupenga Hauora - Youth Services page TKHA Youthies on Facebook to stay up to date with opportunities or to contact the team.
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