Join "Team TKHA" to tautoko those living with cancer
RELAY for Life is a flagship event on TeKupenga Hauora - Ahuriri’s calendar each year and already the team is preparing for the 2019 event and inviting whānau in the community to come and take part alongside them. For the organisation, it’s a huge team building exercise and a chance to have others join them in supporting an important cause.
Community Support Worker - Family Start Megan Wall coordinates Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri’s team for Relay for Life raising funds to support those in Hawke’s Bay going through treatment for cancer. “Everyone of us has been touched by cancer, whether it’s affected whānau, friends or colleagues. It’s a subject very close to all of us,” she explains. Each year they commit to raising a minimum of $1,000 to donate through raffles, lotto drops and private sponsorship.
When the event starts on March 23, 2019, it will be the fourteenth time Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri have participated in the relay which turns 15 next year. A milestone that Megan is hopeful to see some of those her and her fellow kaimahi tautoko (support) come and join in on. “We would welcome whānau to come and walk with us.”
The relay is a 12-hour event held at the Hawke’s Bay Sports Park and teams have at least one team member on the track at all times. “You can buddy up too, says Megan, Management have always been so supportive of the event, it’s nice to open it up and invite others to come and take part with us. It’s a really special day.”
Get involved in Team TKHA for next year’s Relay for Life by contacting Megan Wall at Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri on 06 835 1840.
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