The culmination of two years study saw three current and one prior Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri kaimahi (staff) graduate in the first wave of the nationally recognised Whānau Ora Diploma.
The specialised qualification has been developed specifically for kaimahi working at the front line of Whānau Ora services. Verna Huata, Tessa Robin, Callan Curtis, and Parris Greening joined their colleagues and fellow graduands in Auckland on August 3 to celebrate their achievements.
It has given Whānau Ora Navigator Verna Huata, qualified Social Worker, a deeper understanding of how to apply kaupapa Māori and tikanga-based practices when working alongside whānau to help them achieve their aspirations.
Covering a mixture of practical service delivery skills, advocacy, policy and Te Ao Māori the diploma reinforced things that she had known and previously used in her mahi (work) however, it gave her additional tools to utilise. "It supports the gentle approach, especially when it comes to sensitive and often multiple issues that many of our whānau are facing. Stepping back, being gentle and working at their (whānau) pace."
With the success of this first graduating group, Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri have a new bunch of enthusiastic whānau focussed kaimahi, starting on the diploma journey, having attended their induction in early July 2018. Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri can support whānau to achieve their aspirations through Whānau Ora. Call 835 1840 for more information.
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