He aha te mea nui? He whānau, he hapū, ko koe!
Kia tū rangatira koe.
Cheryl says, "now is the time to take charge of your health, I am here to support you and offer our services in order for you to take charge of your life".
Cheryl's hapū and iwi affiliations are Ngāti Hineuru, Tuwharetoa, Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongomaiwahine, Rakaipaaka and Ngāti Raukawa.
"I like that I can connect and build relationships with whānau, hapū and the mana whenua of Ahuriri. To also help support our Māori people to restore the mauri and instil tikanga. He mahi tahi tātou hei te Kotahitanga", says Cheryl.
She loves listening and researching whakapapa stories from her kuia and whānau. Cheryl also enjoys watching and supporting her children with their sports and participating in Basketball and being able to travel all around Aotearoa. In her spare time Cheryl treasures having whānau time and waiata sessions.
"Ko tōku hoa rangatira - ko Jordan, me āku tamariki - ko Phenix rātou ko Kalani, ko Peyton me Kayla-Kyrie hoki. Ko rātou ngā kurupounamu o tōku ao". Her whānau are her world & her greatest achievement in life so far.
Cheryl's qualifications include: Diploma Ahunga Tikanga (Māori Law and Philosophy). A Diploma in City and Guilds Food and Beverage. Level 4 Te Reo Māori. L4 Māori fresh-water Management. National Certificate in Seafood Māori customary fishing. Cheryl is currently studying a BA in Māori Studies and BA Ahunga Tikanga (Māori Law and Philosophy).
Ko tēnei whakatauki nō Tangoio. Ko ngā uri o Marangatūhetaua, Ngāti Kurumokihi, Ngāi Tatara:
Ka tuwhera a Maungaharuru, ka kati a Tangitū, Ka tuwhera a Tangitū, ka kati a Maungaharuru. (When the season of Maungaharuru opens, the season of Tangitū closes. When the season of Tangitū opens, the season of Maungaharuru closes).