Hannah was asked what she likes most about her role. Her reply was "The ability to get out in the community and meet new people".
An important message that Hannah has for whānau and the community is, "I understand that whānau is at the heart of health and wellness and our tamariki wellbeing is deeply intertwined in the strength and unity of their whanau. By nurturing a strong and supportive whānau environment we create a solid foundation for our tamariki well-being and foster a sense of belonging, cultural identity and resilience".
"When the whānau thrive, so do our tamariki".
Outside of mahi Hannah enjoys photography, whānau time and exercise.
When Hannah was asked what her biggest achievement in life is so far, her response was "My whānau, my two tamariki Neeva and Maz, my husband Josh, and Ozzie our kuri".
Hannah holds a Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education.