What Haydz enjoys most about his role is being able to go out, make a difference, and have an impact not only in our community but Te Ao.
When Haydz was asked what important message he had for our whānau and community he said “Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear. Take care of what they see. For how the children grow, so will the shape of Aotearoa". DAME WHINA COOPER.
Haydz was asked what he likes to do outside of mahi? His reply was "A wise man once told me, it's better to be a man of all trades than a man of one, so you could say I live my life accordingly. Living life, loving life and trying to spread as much love, hope and support where is needed".
Haydz greatest achievements in life so far are whānau and being a proud indigenous Māori of Aotearoa.
Life is his biggest qualification, still to be graded.