Jorja was asked what she likes most about her role? Her response was, “Being able to help whānau become the best versions of themselves and watching them grow".
An important message that Jorja would like to share with the community is - “It takes a village to raise a child”, and she looks forward to becoming a part of your village and sharing her knowledge to support you in becoming the best version of yourself for your tamariki. When we have all the tools in our kete, we can provide an environment where tamariki can thrive.
Outside of mahi Jorja enjoys working on cars with her partner who is a mechanic; caring for her huge indoor plant collection (which is her happy place), and most importantly - spending time with her whānau.
Jorja’s greatest achievements are gaining her degree and moving into her first home with her partner.
Jorja holds a Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education.