CEO - Nathan
Meet Nathan Harrington our CEO. Nathan commenced 2022 by stepping into his role as CEO with Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri. Nathan brings with him knowledge and expertise from his differing roles within the Health and Social Services including his preceding role of 6-years as Kahikatea Manager of the Re-integrative Services with Choices - Kahungunu Health Services.
Nathan says, "I have worked for Māori Providers for many years and prior to that I worked in the Public Service. What I love about my job is giving whānau a sense of mana motuhake (self-determination)." Nathan believes that whānau and individuals know the solutions to their challenges and issues they just need to be supported." There is no better feeling than seeing whānau and individuals living great lives. For me, that's the hinu or fuel that keeps me going."
Our CEO considers his role & the role of our kaimahi is not about doing things for whānau, but instead it is about enabling them to do it for themselves. He understands that within his role, he has a duty to advocate on behalf of whānau and the community and be a voice to ensure that they have access to services to which they are entitled. “I also love empowering our staff and watching them work with our whānau and individuals to help them lead awesome lives. There is no greater reward then that.”
For Nathan, it is his whānau that keeps him grounded. “They are my biggest supporters, and their love never ceases to amaze me.” Spending quality time with his whānau is what re-energizes him. “I love spending time with my son, taking him fishing. It’s our time together. We talk and bond while waiting for the big one…”
In his down time Nathan enjoys running, “It is my time and my headspace where I can just be at peace, I find it very therapeutic and helps me to maintain my balance.” Nathan also enjoys pig hunting with extended whānau and friends. “I am an extreme novice but there is no greater feeling of satisfaction then providing kai for your whānau and community.”
Nathan shared that his greatest achievement in life so far is being an extremely proud dad to his boy, Riley. “I am incredibly lucky that I have a great father figure in my own dad, and I am able to mirror a lot of his parenting style. My father is an amazing listener and gives great advice. He is very witty and funny and tells a great story.”
Nathan is also proud of the work he has been involved in to date and how that has contributed to helping whānau.
A couple of highlights in Nathan’s career so far include, being a part of the co-design team of the Department of Corrections 2019 - 2024 strategy Hōkai Rangi as well as being involved in the early stages of the establishment of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency.
· Bachelor of Business Studies (Human Resources Major) Massey University
· Diploma in Business (Human Resources) Massey University.