Ko Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāti Mahu, Ngāti Hinemanu me Ngāi Te Ūpokoiri ōku hapū.
Ko Moteo me Omahu ōku marae.
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu tōku iwi.
Emergency Housing Navigator
Joined the team February 2022
Sandra loves to help people.......so in her role that's exactly what she gets to do!
When Sandra was asked if she had a message for whānau and our community, her reply was, "be open and honest, and I will do the best I can for whānau and our community".
A few things that Sandra enjoys doing outside of mahi are spending as much time as she can with her grandchildren; 'whānau time'; and playing Indoor Netball.
Sandra's greatest achievement in life is being available for her family at all times.